Talks & Events

ICA 2021 Post-conference

ICA 2021 Post-conference

Problems of digital exclusion have traditionally been associated with lack of access to technology. Increasingly digital exclusion also emerges with the active agency of state and corporate institutions using AI, smart city infrastructures, surveillance systems and...

Shiny Things Workshop

Shiny Things Workshop

2020-02-21 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. There is so much buzz about artificial intelligence, but what’s real and what’s fiction? In this hands-on session about AI’s effects on science and society, Harvard researcher and artist Sarah Newman will help us explore...

TIPI Team Travels to TPRC 47

TIPI Team Travels to TPRC 47

TIPI awarded Richelle Crotty a travel fellowship to TRPC47 to present her poster: Fallow Fields or Unyielding Potential? An Examination of EBS Proposed Rulemaking Comments and the Public Interest. Abstract Regulatory frameworks are in place that fund the distribution...