by TIPI Staff | Jan 6, 2020
Problems of digital exclusion have traditionally been associated with lack of access to technology. Increasingly digital exclusion also emerges with the active agency of state and corporate institutions using AI, smart city infrastructures, surveillance systems and...
by TIPI Staff | Dec 2, 2019
At the start of November, our team traveled to Brazoria County, Texas as part of our continued project researching disasters and the role of libraries. In our second trip to Brazoria County for this project, our goal was to perform a “deep dive” to better understand...
by TIPI Staff | Dec 2, 2019
Russian interference in the 2016 US presidential election has expanded discussions about the role of misinformation in politics as well as people’s information behavior. While many studies have been conducted to unravel the strategies and impacts of the Russian IRA’s...
by TIPI Staff | Dec 2, 2019
Organized and hosted by graduate students from The University of Texas at Austin Department of Radio-Television-Film, this year’s Global Fusion Conference took place in Austin, Texas, from Friday, October 25th to Sunday, October 27th, in the Belo Center for New Media....
by TIPI Staff | Oct 11, 2019
2020-02-21 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. There is so much buzz about artificial intelligence, but what’s real and what’s fiction? In this hands-on session about AI’s effects on science and society, Harvard researcher and artist Sarah Newman will help us...
by TIPI Staff | Oct 11, 2019
12:00 p.m. in FAC 402 As part of our Good Systems work, Talia Stroud, Director of the Center for Media Engagement, Mary Neuburger, Chair of the Department of Slavic and Eurasian Studies, and Sharon Strover proposed to host monthly “Disinformation Network” meetings to...
by TIPI Staff | Sep 26, 2019
2019-10-07 3 p.m. Good Systems is hosting a fireside chat with Tim Hwang, director of the Harvard-MIT Ethics and Governance of AI Initiative, and Professor Sharon Strover from the Moody College of Communication. Dubbed “The Busiest Man on...
by TIPI Staff | Sep 26, 2019
Guest writer and UT Austin Journalism undergradutate, Emily Brown On Friday, Sept. 2o, Samuel Woolley, a leading researcher in the intersection of politics and technology, gave a lunch-time lecture regarding the dangers of computational propaganda. “We need to...
by TIPI Staff | Sep 26, 2019
Based on our work with libraries in in other parts of the country (see: NYPL Hotspot Assessment and IMLS Rural Hotspots), we wanted to partner with Texas libraries in to pilot hotspot programs. We believe libraries, as anchor institutions, have an outsize role to play...
by TIPI Staff | Sep 26, 2019
TIPI awarded Richelle Crotty a travel fellowship to TRPC47 to present her poster: Fallow Fields or Unyielding Potential? An Examination of EBS Proposed Rulemaking Comments and the Public Interest. Abstract Regulatory frameworks are in place that fund the distribution...