This talk touches on the possibilities of communicating academic research through non-written texts. Methodologically and analytically grounded in Arts-Based Research (ABR), a series of experiments have investigated the possibilities of communicating communication and media studies research through the use of photography, installation, and exhibition. Two main case studies will be discussed.
The first experiment is the Iconoclastic Controversies, a visual sociology of statues and commemoration sites in the southern regions of Cyprus photography exhibition, which analyses how statues and commemoration sites narrate and frame the Cyprus Problem, and the struggle between antagonist nationalist discourses and their contestations. The second experiment is Respublika!, an art project that ran between November 2017 and January 2018, focusing on participatory arts and art about participation, originating from community media affiliated artists. Both experiments allow for an investigation of the possibilities and limits of “other” academic genres, and the opportunities of enriching our academic practices.